I found a great deal on my H &R Block tax software at eBay. I have been preparing my own taxes for over 30 years and have used many different tax programs. The one I have been using the past few years seems to be the best. It is the H &R Block tax software.
Tax Tips
The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers
“The Progressive Income Tax” is one of those economic terms that gets bandied about, but few actually know what it means or how it works. This tale of three … Video Rating: 4 / 5 Like this MoneyWeek Video? Want to find out more on paying tax? Go to: http://www.moneyweekvideos.com/why-does-starbucks-pay-so-little-tax/ now and you’ll ge… Video […]
Retiring soon? Do these things in the 5 years leading up to it and you’ll be much better off
It used to be that retirement was a fixed age point but, in the last couple of decades, that has changed and many people now retire over a longer period of time and many don’t retire completely. Analysts these days have coined a new phrase, the “retirement red zone”, which is the five years before […]
Most popular Tax auctions
Some recent Tax auctions on eBay: [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”12″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”13″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”14″ ebcat=”-1″]
Most popular Tax auctions
Most popular Tax eBay auctions: [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”8″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”9″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”10″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”11″ ebcat=”-1″]
Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Do you have a favorite hobby or pastime? If not then you need to find one quick! There are many studies that shown taking up a hobby can ease stress, improve health, and just give one a sense of overall purpose. It’s probably no secret that one of my favorite hobbies is blogging. I spend […]
Most popular Tax auctions
Tax eBay auctions you should keep an eye on: [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”5″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”6″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”7″ ebcat=”-1″]
Planning for Retirement
There are many different definitions of the “American Dream”, some say it’s a great job and nice house, others say it’s comfortably raising a family, yet my definition varies a bit from those. To me, the American Dream is about affording a comfortable retirement after hitting all of those milestones above. Owning a home is […]
Payday lenders find an unlikely supporter in Archbishop Welby!
Now the tables have been turned on Archbishop Welby, one of the sternest critics of payday lenders as he is forced to make a u-turn on his position that payday lenders should be forced out of business. This blog will examine the comments of the Archbishop and explain why he has now changed his mind […]