When it comes to investing there are a lot of terms that you really need to know in order to be able to make educated decisions. Many of those terms deal with the financial risk that you take when investing, and knowing those terms is vitally important to your success. Below you’ll find the most […]
Tax Tips
Stock Buybacks are Booming!
After faltering for a couple of months, buyback announcements from many major US companies shot up to a three month high recently, putting 2014 on track to be one of the biggest years ever for buybacks. Companies from 21st Century Fox Inc. to several airlines and many other businesses continue to buy back shares of […]
If you are single do you need to invest in life insurance?
Life insurance is a very important acquisition as it allows you to provide for the people left behind after you die. In the vast majority of cases this means your dependents such as a partner and any children you may have. Life insurance is normally intended to help these dependents meet the financial burdens of […]
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Low Interest Rates Are Still a Reason to Act
Every financial quotation that uses history as part of its marketing always qualifies its use by stating it is no guarantee of what will happen in the future. It is often used as an illustration of what growth an investor could expect if history was to repeat itself over a given period. Property is generally […]
Property Investment is a Means to Retirement
Have you been thinking about property investment as a means to an end? By means to an end I am referring to the silver lining of retirement on the horizon. We all want to retire today so that we can use our time as we see fit, and not the daily 9 to 5 grind […]
Most popular Tax auctions
Most popular Tax eBay auctions: [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”tax” num=”1″ ebcat=”-1″]